LLC "PetroSGEM" carries out works on the installation of new and rehabilitation, repair and adjustment of existing hydropower and hydromechanical equipment at hydropower plants, performs design and construction works, both for municipal facilities and for commercial organizations.
A distinctive feature of our Company is the ability to carry out a full cycle of work - from obtaining approvals and technical conditions for the projects implementation, supply the necessary equipment and materials, performing repair, construction, installation work, facility commissioning and its further maintenance.
All our projects are implemented in a unified information environment, within the framework of the 5IG® project management concept. The five components of the 5IG® Concept correspond to the five stages of the capital construction project lifecycle, and each of them has issues that we are ready to solve together with our clients. The 5IG® System improves communication between all project participants, provides transparency and control over the implementation of the Project, and also makes adjustments possible in the early stages of the project.
LLC "PetroSGEM" was founded in 1998 on the basis of the North-Western Assembly Department "Spetsgidromontazh", which history has been started since 1972. Our company has successfully implemented a number of projects at hydropower plants (HPPs) in the North-West of Russia - in the Leningrad, Pskov, Murmansk and Karelia regions - in the energy systems of Lenenergo, Pskovenergo, Kolenergo and Karelenergo (37 HPPs, 108 units of installed unit capacity are in operation from 100 kW to 130 MW). LLC "PetroSGEM" also successfully implemented projects in Finland, Georgia, Armenia.
Our Company has a team of highly qualified specialists. Our specialists took part in the construction of hydroelectric power plants in Siberia, Tajikistan, Vietnam, India, Angola, Mexico, Greece, Syria, Iraq.
In addition to extensive well-established business ties with manufacturers of metal structures and equipment, LLC “PetroSGEM” has a production site and workshop equipped with high-tech equipment: metalworking machines, gas and plasma cutting machines for metals, welding machines, which allows us to solve a wide range of issues in metalworking, including the production of parts and metal structures for repair work at HPPs on our own.